About this Newsletter

About this Newsletter
The Dolomites, Italy / Neil Dissanayake

Welcome to Harmonious Futures. A publication by Neil Dissanayake of Planet Positive Planning, a solo entrepreneur helping you to build and finance a purpose-driven future that supports both you and the planet.

Thanks for clicking to find out more. I have three invites for you.

Firstly, I invite you to rethink how you plan to manage your personal finances for the second half of your life. Let's move beyond the traditional approach that we’re typically sold.

Some key themes we’ll cover.

Reimagining Retirement

Firstly, it’s no longer about planning for an end-game and leaving work behind entirely. Instead, let's think about planning a transition into a new stage of life — one where you live with purpose, define your own terms and earn from doing what you truly love to do.

Adapting to a Changing World

The future we’re planning for will be very different from the past. Humanity is entering into a lot of unprecedented territory. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and other global risks are already impacting us, while at the same time we are on the cusp of experiencing one of the fastest economic transitions in history.

Despite some scary and unsettling predictions for what this means, society also has within its grasp a golden opportunity to be the first generation to live sustainably and in harmony with the planet.

All of this has significant implications for how we create and manage our future wealth.

Redefining Financial Risk

Traditional views of financial risk — like volatility of investment returns — are no longer enough. We now need to consider how these global changes will affect us personally and financially. Managing risk today, means planning for diversifying your future income streams tomorrow, and building resilience across all areas of life.

Finding Your Purpose

My second invite is for you to read this article. An invite to find your purpose in a way that helps contribute to our collective responsibility to help reverse and repair the damage we’re causing to our planet.

Subscribe Today

If you’ve made it this far, I’m guessing this is all resonating with you. As you may have guessed, my final invite is for you to subscribe.

I’ll offer you strategies and insights to help you take control of your financial future, creating a life that’s both fulfilling for you and supportive of the planet. Whether you're just starting to consider your next steps, or pursuing a complete life transformation, I’ll help empower you to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Feature articles are publicly available. By subscribing, you’ll gain free access to some additional regular articles and resources, and also receive updates to notify you when new content is available. You'll join the Harmonious Futures club – a community of like-minded people, working towards creating a brighter future for themselves and the planet.

Feel free to share with the community too. I’m open to publicising guest articles and content that helps support our mission.  

Subscribe and help keep Harmonious Futures alive! Thank you for your support!

About Me

I'm Neil Dissanayake. An experienced actuary, financial risk manager, and financial future coach. I founded Planet Positive Planning, with a mission to empower everyday people to take control of their financial future, live the life they want, and positively impact the planet. Through offering my financial future coaching and financial planning services, I am hoping to inspire and catalyse others into taking positive action for a better world.

If you're interested in taking a next step towards planning a purpose-driven future, for more information on how I could help you, please visit my website.

This website is for informational purposes and does not provide specific investment advice. Copyright Planet Positive Planning Limited. Contact me by email at neil@planetpositiveplanning.com. Planet Positive Planning Limited is a service sector trading company, providing "educational financial services" and regulated by the Competition and Markets Authority and Registered in England and Wales number 15759784. As defined by PERG8.26 of the FCA Handbook, these services do not require FCA regulation. Registered office address 2 Joshua Pedley Mews, London, E3 2ZE, United Kingdom. Information Commissioner's Office reference number C1531204.